Wednesday, April 28, 2010

a yam yam education

Further to our receiving a Yam Yam at Sushi Samurai after dinner, here are the "fun words" as promised on the outside of the pack. My personal favourite? "Stag Beetle... love it". Love what? Love stag beetles? I am often partial to yelling out "love it" (particularly after a few drinks...), so it was particularly pleasant to find this as a "fun word" inside. Of course, I love "Cat... Say Meow". But that goes without saying.

On another note, it appears that each pack of Yam Yam contains 2 servings, each packing 160 calories. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten all the "Starfish... Star + Fish" in one go... (and why does "Golden Egg" not have a matching phrase? I should write to Meiji Seika (S) Pte Ltd and ask).

For those who know me personally, don't worry! I cleaned my desk before laying the biscuit sticks out in random order.


  1. does each stick taste like the animal labelled?

  2. You know, along with the "love", "like" buttons that you have there, you really need a "random" one! Because that was the first thing I thought of after reading about the words on the yam yam sticks..... random!

  3. Anonymous (who could've remained anonymous had you not declared who you were to me personally!), that is an offensive remark. I will now use plastic handled cutlery to prepare all your meals.

    Thanks for the suggestion Trees. Has been actioned in true corporate style :)
