aka how I make it through the 9-5
blogs - pretty
ooh, look... - features tabitha cat as an added bonus; could also fall readily into the "food" category, in other words, possibly my ultimate blog :)
a little bird told me. so
eat drink chic
pretty pretty yum yum - with an irresistible kawaii bent
miss kitty-cat goes to town
blogs - feline
little cat diaries
I have cat
random cat project
maru - of youtube fame
raggles and rolypoly - I have to disclose a conflict of interest here given I also run this blog (at the direction of catflap though)
cat sitter in the city - the city being in this case, nyc
men and cats
blogs - nippon
quirky japan blog
japan probe
japan style
blogs - hong kong (particularly expat experiences)
hong kong blogs review
miss fong in hong kong
hong kong blong - no, not a typo
the hong konger
e*ting the world - my favourite post to date
kung fu chewy
big in hk
big white guy
sketches from the other side
跑馬地 - literally horse racing track; also refers to the name of a suburb in HK (Happy Valley)
lola in hk
china droll
living in hong kong
bonkers in honkers
ordinary gweilo - gweilo (鬼佬), literally "ghost person", being a commonly used Cantonese term for a foreigner
鬼婆 - the female counterpart of 鬼佬
blogs - other jetsets
my inner fatty - for all things taiwanese food related
a hungry girl's guide to taipei
blogs - closer to home
1,2,3... eleven petals
elsja down under
ain't gonna be no rematch
a phd down under
florida girl in sydney
from america to australia
from sydney with love
just another day in sydney
mo in oz
round about
surviving oz
sydney shop girl
the yellow brick road
this australian life
two clicks to a life down under
wtf mate
blawgs/ similar
roll on friday
workday diversions
amazing fact generator - very american centric, but fun nevertheless
awkward family photos
cake wrecks
not alway sright
overheard in the office
passive aggressiv enotes
emails from crazy people
unnecessary quotes
xkcd - my favourite
sidetaker - like jerry springer in text
vogue forums
something a little darker
secret regrets
something a little lighterf u penguin - I couldn't put this into "workday diversions" as it would probably get blocked by most work computer filters. but it's in the same vein as awkward family photos and
cake wrecks, just with extra bite. I love it as much as I can has cheezburger, but obviously for different reasons.
shopaholics anonymous threadless - quirky tees
twlewin - work shirts
charles tyrwhitt -more work shirts (yay for the strong aussie dollar)
strawberrynet - beauty products with free international shipping
etsy - if only I were as talented as these people, I wouldn't have to buy their creations
book depository - books galore with free international shipping. this site alone is responsible for a large proportion of my credit card debt
yesasia - for your hongky/taiwanese/korean/jap drama/movie/music fix when your conscience gets to you
shoes of prey - design your own shoes. Australian company, international shipping for $25. Hello, procrastination!
mod cloth - I've never come across a shopping site before where I want such a high proportion of the items for sale. help! (international shipping too, so I can't even use that to convince myself)
snapfish - photo printing
vistaprint - hours of fun to be had designing fridge magnets, post-it notes, invitations...